Mommy Necklaces Dangling Donut Nursing Necklace engages baby to aid with feeding difficulties.
- Mommy Necklaces are an innovative and trendy accessory for the nursing mom.
Mommy Necklaces aid nursing mothers by making their job as a breastfeeding mom a little less painful, literally. Distracted babies nurse less during the day and more at night (tired mommy!) and fidgety babies love to pull their mother's hair and leave pinch marks (poor mommy!). Designed to help with common feeding difficulties such as: -
- twiddling
- pinching
- poking
- distracting surroundings
Mommy Necklaces were invented to occupy busy hands away from Mommy's hairline while engaging baby in a way that results in longer nursing sessions. Mutually beneficial - engaged baby, pain-free mommy! No need to stress about keeping yourself hip and trendy, a Mommy Necklace even adds style to the simple, everyday jeans and t-shirt combo!The Dangling Donut design is not only extremely trendy but amazingly functional. Created long enough to be worn in eye-sight of baby and twiddled upon while nursing, the Dangling Donut line comes with a loose donut pendant that breastfeeding babies love to grasp and twiddle. The donut pendant gently skims the lower beads of the necklace and results in a wonderful rattling noise when moved. The smooth finishes on the beads are safe and delightful to touch. Length end to end is approximately 28 inches.